Reality: This is Me

I have spoken a great deal about overcoming fear and about confident leadership.  This post however is the REAL ME talking. I haven’t always felt confident, in fact, I have had to overcome so much in my life to be the more confident person I am today.

When I was a child I was not the most popular one and always feared being left out of groups.

When I reached my teenage years I was always searching to be accepted and usually by the wrong boy in the wrong relationship.

When I reached my early 20’s and by then I was a qualified social worker I feared not getting it right and couldn’t quite believe that I could do the job I was qualified for.

When I got married I was fearful of how I looked in front of my husband and always used to cover myself up.

When I had children I feared what others would say about my parenting and particularly by then being a pastor of a church where I believed I was suppose to set a standard (what a load of rubbish!)

Throughout my life, I have had to overcome the fears that would have wanted me to stay as an outsider, accepting a relationship that wasn’t the best for me because that’s all I was worth, fear of failing at my career, fear of not being a good wife and mother and church leader.  I overcame all of these lies, because I refused to give into the lie that I was a nobody and instead chose to take my thoughts captive and believe what God said about me.

I was supported in this change of mindset by the person who created me - God himself. Through his word, but also through my amazing husband and family and my Godly leaders who didn’t shrink back from challenging me, but also encouraging me to be the woman that God had purposed for me.

A couple weeks ago, I was travelling to London to stay in a hotel I have not stayed in before to catch a plane on my own to the USA. To then travel to a place that is full of strong Christian women leaders, where I embarked on the 2nd part of my coaching course.  This course was something I could never have imagined embarking on even 5 years ago. But as you choose to continue to step out into the more and not be held back by thoughts of inadequacy and failure then you live the adventurous life that you were always created to live.

So today don’t hold back, step out, believe that God believes in you and take those awful thoughts about yourself captive and stride forward into the more.